Son of David, Son of Abraham (Matthew 1:1)

At the beginning of 2024, I set about studying the book of Matthew. I have read it many times, but having preached on the Magi over Christmas, I was hooked on digging into Matthew’s Gospel a bit deeper. I hope to share a few posts on this wonderful book. And, if you are interested, my message on The Magi is here.

An open Bible showing the beginning of Matthews gospel

Matthew’s Gospel begins like this:

This is a record of the ancestors of Jesus the Messiah, a descendant of David and of Abraham

Matthew 1:1 (NLT)

Matthew will go on to list the ancestors of Jesus, which we can think about another day, but he begins with these two – David and Abraham.

Why these two, and why are Jesus’ ancestors important?

Matthew’s Gospel was written to a Jewish audience, and his intention was to convince them that Jesus was the Messiah they had been waiting for. He refers to Jesus in verse one as “Jesus the Messiah.” Matthew is clear from the first line that he is presenting Jesus as the Christ – the Messiah.

The Jewish Messiah must, of course, be Jewish. So, Matthew makes clear that Jesus is a descendent of Abraham – the father of the Jewish nation.

Being a descendent of Abraham was incredibly important to the Jewish people, so much so that they believed it was more than enough to secure them good standing with God. Only two chapters over though, in Matthew 3, we read of John the Baptist who we will think about another time. In his preaching in the wilderness, he points out to the religious folk of the day that being a descendent of Abraham is not enough, but that they ought to produce fruit in keeping with repentance. We will consider that when we get there.

For now, Matthew makes clear that Jesus was descended from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

The Jewish people also expected their Messiah to be a descendent of David. King David, as described in the Old Testament, was their great hero – despite his failings. Anyone claiming to be the Messiah must also demonstrate that they have David as an ancestor.

David was a king, sitting on the Jewish throne, and so would the Messiah. Matthew makes clear Jesus’ Jewish heritage, but also His place in the kingly line from David.

Matthew leaves his readers in no doubt, right from the first verse, that the Jesus he is writing about, is the One they have been waiting for. He will give them many proofs, and he will show them the great things that Jesus did and said. Matthew, more so than the other Gospels, focuses on dialogue, so we have a lot of Jesus’ teaching recorded for us.

I need not labour the point any further, and like Matthew, have stated the truths that Christ was both a descendent of Abraham and of David. As we study Matthew further, we must keep these things in mind. Matthew is writing to Jews, and will quote the Old Testament many times. As we read his words, we must understand how his Jewish audience would have heard them. This will help us understand the impact of the book.

In the next section, Matthew will begin to list the genealogy of Jesus. Before we consider it, give it a read and see how many names you recognise. Such lists can seem rather dry to us, but they reveal some important truths which we will think about.

As you go about your day today, think about who Jesus is. Not the version of Him you create in your mind, but who the Bible depicts Him to be. In the book of Matthew we will see Jesus perform miracles, teach astonishing things, and go to His death for each one of us. Too often, we see Christ the way we want Him to be, and not who He actually is. With fresh eyes, let’s study Matthew and let God reveal His Son to us.

This is a record of the ancestors of #Jesus the Messiah, a descendant of David and of Abraham – Matthew 1:1 #Bible

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Out with the New – Andy Brown

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The Magi

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I hope you enjoy.

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Humility, Compassion and Authority

As ever, it was a great pleasure to speak at my church yesterday morning.

We have been studying the book of Luke, and yesterdays passage cover the first 17 verses of Luke 7.

I share below a copy of the recording, which I hope you enjoy. The microphone picked up a fair bit of background noise which I hope does not spoil your enjoyment.

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