Home Group Healing #TestimonyTuesday

One evening, a group of Christians and I met together for a home group (this was in a previous church I belonged to). I forget the subject of our Bible study that night, but I recall vividly what happened during the prayer time at the end.

As I prayed for the group, I got this nagging sense that someone was struggling with migraine headaches. From time to time, I believe God shows me such things and that this is part of my spiritual gifts. I shared what I had sensed, and as it happens, two of the eight people gathered admitted to having struggled with severe headaches all that day. Neither had mentioned them during the course of the evening.

We prayed together, and prayed for these headaches to cease. For one of the two, they did. I remember that person saying so clearly, “It’s gone!” for the other person, they said it had helped but they could not admit that the headache had completely gone.

Even so, it sticks in my mind as a time when God was truly faithful. It highlights that for a whole variety of reasons that not everyone receives healing every time we pray. That should not stop us asking however, and to see someone freed from an intense headache was truly something to thank the Lord for.

I have had migraines in the past, and they are no fun at all! It was an immense privilege to be able to hear God’s direction that day, and to be able to pray for a sister in need.

When it comes to spiritual gifts and the healing ministry, it is something I remain passionate about. God has blessed us with these gifts, and we are to use them to build up His church. Yes there are times when things do not quite work out as they should. For instance, this weekend I had a sense that someone had hurt their ankle. When I reached out to them, they had not. The most likely reason was that I was simply wrong.

Being wrong is something I have grown used to over the years, but that does not stop me trying to listen to Jesus and acting on His voice. The pain of a migraine, sore ankle or whatever ailment can be a real drag to people. if God should wish to use me to bring that relief, then I am humbled and clearly the glory is all His.

Have you ever had an experience like this? I’d love to hear about it.

I hope that this brief testimony has encouraged you. God cares. He loves you. He cares about your headaches, your bills, your entire life. For the most part, He will direct us through His Word, but I rejoice in the times He directs us through His Spirit too. Praise the God of love who cares for us each and every day! Amen!

11 thoughts on “Home Group Healing #TestimonyTuesday

  1. Amen Andy. Yes it’s so good to follow the prompting of the Holy Spirit especially when people are healed or touched by God. A word of encouragement to them can mean so much. Sometimes, we do get it wrong but like you I’ve learnt that it’s all part of the learning process and God allows me to make mistakes to learn and grow. Great Testimony. Thank you 😊

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  2. Awesome testimony.

    I never understand why one person can be healed and one person can not! I guess we never truly will – we just need to keep praying, and listening to the Holy Spirit.

    Who knows what that obedience – that we see as us getting it wrong – can do to the faith of someone else in a really positive way; encouraging us to step out too!

    Andy B

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  3. Hi Andy, yes I have had my share of success and apparent failures with regards to healings. When our twins were born there was great concern because both of them were in the wrong position (feet first) and my wife was experiencing a lot of pain. I went to the Hospital Chapel and earnestly prayed for God to intervene. After a good while in prayer, God told me to stop asking and to thank Him. I did as He instructed. At that moment both of the twins moved into the proper position all by themselves (the Doctors told us they had never seen that happen with twins before and that it looked like hands had guided them) and the twins were born. There has been other answers to pray for healings also, but some that were not answered with the anticipated result. I had a very aggressive cancer about 25 years ago and was told that at best I had about a 17% chance of being alive five years from then. Key words are 25 years ago. I was operated on and it was removed with no requirement for chemo or radiation at all. Yearly checkups continue to show no return. Conversely, my wife has been recently diagnosed with dementia and during the last year has lost the ability to walk without the use of a walker, and has much pain and discomfort, due to disk injuries when she was much younger. I pray for her daily but no change, so I continue praying and knocking at His door. Yet, all the while, God sustains us. One day we shall understand. Blessings!

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    1. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences Bruce. Life is often a mixture of successes and supposed failures. But I believe whether we are healed on the Earth, or in the next life in heaven, we will all be healed one way or another. Thanks be to God for his intervention in your life. I pray for both you and your wife. Every blessing to you


  4. Amen, Andy! I love with chronic health issues; but for God! It’s a miracle I’m here~through pain, HE’s with me. He has healed me in other ways. I remain faithful through it all. Mistakes~we all make them ~and the grace of God, in addition to his power in our lives should we choose to accept and use, is a never-ending source of comfort. Happy March my friend. God’s blessings to you and yours!

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  5. This is an interesting post Andy, I do believe that God is still in the healing business….but in His own way and His own time. I live with permanent health issues mainly from brain tumours and lymphoedema but God allows me to live with them. Through the trials I face I am able to serve Him and encourage others. Yet I would say that He does heal me in that I am alive today singing His praises.

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